Five Secrets of a Heavenly Life |
Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, is the final, climatic appointed festival of the Lord. And so it contains the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. Discover the five secrets of a heavenly life as hidden and revealed in the Feast of Tabernacles.
Message 2653
2024-10-20 |
The Mystery of the Autumn Holy Days |
The holy days of autumn hold the secret of the end times, from Trumpets to Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, to Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, Jonathan unlocks the mysteries in this gigantic sweep of end-time prophecy, the Book of Revelation and eternity
Message 2652
2024-10-18 |
Ishtar & Azazel |
At the conclusion of the Yom Kippur of the mass gathering on the National Mall, Jonathan seals the message of Azazel, the casting out, the goddess and spirit of Ishtar – and how to actually apply it to find freedom, purity, and victory in your own life.
Message 2651
2024-10-13 |
Casting Out Azazel |
On the Eve of a Yom Kippur that would lead to a mass gathering of prayer and repentance on the National Mall in Washington, DC, Jonathan opens up the mystery of the scapegoat, the casting out, the cultural, national, and civilization exorcism, and the goddess and spirit of Ishtar.
Message 2650
2024-10-11 |
The Teshuvah Key |
The trumpets of God are actually the key to unlocking the blessings of God. From the Book of Revelation, to the Days of Awe, to one of the most important secrets and keys to open up God’s purposes and blessings for your life – as Jonathan opens up the secret on the Feast of Trumpets celebration.
Message 2649
2024-10-06 |
A Mystery of Trumpets |
What is the mystery of the trumpets of God? How does it open up the end times? How does the Hebrew month of Tishri open up the Book of Revelation? Does it reveal the next great prophetic event? And much, much more, as Jonathan opens the mystery on the Feast of Trumpets celebration!
Message 2648
2024-10-04 |
Access to the Glory |
The priests of Israel were given special access to enter the Holy Place. The Bible says that you are now a priest of God. What is your special access? And how to use it.
Message 2647
2024-09-22 |
The Shimshon Prototype |
It happened before our eyes. It shocked the world. But what if there was an ancient mystery lying behind it all, playing out before the world? The Shephalah, the Shimshon Prototype, and more - The shocking truth!
Message 2646
2024-09-20 |
Scrolls on Fire |
We are told that book burnings are bad. But not always. There is a principle of holy book burning – and practicing it can bring you freedom and victory.
Message 2645
2024-09-15 |
The Rising Goddess |
Is there a mystery behind a phenomenon transpiring in current events that goes back to an ancient goddess? Could this mystery concern what is seeking to determine America’s future? And could what we know of this goddess open up a startling revelation into what now lies before us?
Message 2644
2024-09-13 |
Secrets of Warfare Key Mistakes and Keys for Victory |
We are all involved in a war – Whether you win or lose is dependent on what you do – What are the key mistakes we make in the Lord – and what are the most important secrets of turning them around for blessings and victory?
Message 2643
2024-09-08 |
The Book of Revelation - Hebrew Decoder II-The Conclusion |
Jonathan continues opening up The Book of Revelation with the overlooked key that give us the decoder to unlock the mysteries of the most mysterious book of the Bible – Revelation – The Beast, the Mother of Harlots, Mystery Babylon, the Second Coming, the New Jerusalem!
Message 2642
2024-09-06 |
The Return of the Sea Peoples |
Jonathan opened up the first revelations contained in The Dragon’s Prophecy – The Dark Resurrection, the return of an ancient people, and the mystery behind world and current events that the world has no idea of!
Message 2641
2024-08-24 |
The Night Sower |
A mystery from one of Messiah’s parable – that explains everything from the end of days, secularism, the Book of Revelation, eternity, what’s happening right now and how to live in light of it.
Message 2640
2024-08-25 |
The Book of Revelation The Hebrew Decoder |
Jonathan continues opening up The Book of Revelation with the overlooked key that gives us the decoder to unlock the mysteries of the most mysterious book of the Bible – Revelation.
Message 2639
2024-08-23 |
The Olympian Mystery |
It was the most widely viewed act of desecration in world history. Jonathan pre-empts the message he was going to share to open up the Olympian desecration, blasphemy, and mystery from the return of the gods to the Emperor Theodosius to Zeus, Hera, and Dionysus, to the Third Reich, and end-time prophecy. Powerful and prophetic.
Message 2638
2024-08-04 |
Book of Revelation II: Signs of the Coming Apocalypse |
Generations of believers have wondered about the Book of Revelation, but are we now in our generation actually seeing the signs of the approaching Apocalypse even now? Don’t miss as Jonathan continues the opening up of The Book of Revelation; Jonathan opens up the signs of Revelation in this day and hour.
Message 2637
2024-08-02 |
The Joyful Warrior |
Many believers fear the battle – but we’re all called to it. In fact, we’re called to embrace it. Learn the secret, the keys, and the attitude of the most victorious warriors in God.
Message 2636
2024-07-21 |
The Mystery of Kings - Trump, Jehu, & the Future of America |
In the midst of turmoil, division, an assassination attempt, and a dramatic turn of events - Jonathan opens up a stunning Biblical mystery that reveals what is really taking place, what it means, and where it’s heading – down to exact people, exact events, and exact dates.
Message 2635
2024-07-19 |
Fight, Fight, Fight |
On the day after the shooting and survival of Donald Trump, Jonathan shares a message on what happened, on warfare, and the words for the year, on the year of the Dragon, and charge for every believer to fight!
Message 2634
2024-07-14 |