Grow in God
Jonathan Cahn is known for opening the deep biblical mysteries and prophetic revelations of God. On this page you'll find a comprehensive list containing most of Jonathan Cahn's messages and teachings from the mysteries of God, prophetic and end-time teachings, exposition of biblical verses, texts, and books, living victoriously in God, apologetics, current issues and events, and a wide variety of subjects. New messages are added almost every week as they become available. Search by message title, subject, etc. Members of Hope of the World receive special messages every month.
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Messages 41 to 60 of 2626
The Return of the Sea Peoples
Jonathan opened up the first revelations contained in The Dragon’s Prophecy – The Dark Resurrection, the return of an ancient people, and the mystery behind world and current events that the world has no idea of!
Message 2641 2024-08-24

The Night Sower
A mystery from one of Messiah’s parable – that explains everything from the end of days, secularism, the Book of Revelation, eternity, what’s happening right now and how to live in light of it.
Message 2640 2024-08-25

The Book of Revelation The Hebrew Decoder
Jonathan continues opening up The Book of Revelation with the overlooked key that gives us the decoder to unlock the mysteries of the most mysterious book of the Bible – Revelation.
Message 2639 2024-08-23

The Olympian Mystery
It was the most widely viewed act of desecration in world history. Jonathan pre-empts the message he was going to share to open up the Olympian desecration, blasphemy, and mystery from the return of the gods to the Emperor Theodosius to Zeus, Hera, and Dionysus, to the Third Reich, and end-time prophecy. Powerful and prophetic.
Message 2638 2024-08-04

Book of Revelation II: Signs of the Coming Apocalypse
Generations of believers have wondered about the Book of Revelation, but are we now in our generation actually seeing the signs of the approaching Apocalypse even now? Don’t miss as Jonathan continues the opening up of The Book of Revelation; Jonathan opens up the signs of Revelation in this day and hour.
Message 2637 2024-08-02

The Joyful Warrior
Many believers fear the battle – but we’re all called to it. In fact, we’re called to embrace it. Learn the secret, the keys, and the attitude of the most victorious warriors in God.
Message 2636 2024-07-21

The Mystery of Kings - Trump, Jehu, & the Future of America
In the midst of turmoil, division, an assassination attempt, and a dramatic turn of events - Jonathan opens up a stunning Biblical mystery that reveals what is really taking place, what it means, and where it’s heading – down to exact people, exact events, and exact dates.
Message 2635 2024-07-19

Fight, Fight, Fight
On the day after the shooting and survival of Donald Trump, Jonathan shares a message on what happened, on warfare, and the words for the year, on the year of the Dragon, and charge for every believer to fight!
Message 2634 2024-07-14

The Book of Revelation I
For the first time, Jonathan opens up the Book of Revelation. What does it actually say, foretell, and prophesy? What are its mysteries? And how are we to live in light of it. Don’t miss this most important and exciting series!
Message 2633 2024-07-12

The Blessing of Yakov
From an ancient deception and a mystical wrestling match, something that has to do with each of us, the Baracha, the Blessing - And the gigantic difference it can make in our lives - And how to get it - even if you didn’t!   
Message 2632 2024-06-16

The Graduate
There is a link between Shavuot/ Pentecost and Graduation - Why was the Spirit given just at that moment? What does it mean to graduate in the Lord? What is the true Spirit-filled life What does it mean to live beyond? And what is your graduation to higher ground - And how to get there?
Message 2631 2024-06-09

The Yerushalayim-Shavuot Revelation
The mystery of the Holy City of God - and the outpouring of the Spirit of God - Ezekiel 37, the resurrection and the breath, the Six Day War, the return of Jerusalem, and the End-time revival and outpouring - A prophetic message at the celebration of Shavuot/ Pentecost
Message 2630 2024-06-07

The Greatest
The Covenant you live in is the greatest covenant. What does that mean for your life? How to live the greatest life possible, and how to live in the Power of the Greatest!
Message 2629 2024-06-02

The Mystery of Ezekiel 38 & 39: The America Mystery
The Conclusion of the amazing prophecy that may foretell the next colossal event and the big question - where is America in it? What is America's role in end time prophecy, and the end times? Is it there or not?
Message 2628 2024-05-31

Curses and How to Break Them
What are curses? Are we subject to them? What about the curses of the past, of the occult, and in your life? How to reverse and nullify them.
Message 2627 2024-05-26

The Sar Paras - An End-Time Mystery
With world events of prophetic significance rapidly unfolding, and the death of the Iranian president in a helicopter crash, Jonathan opens up an ancient Biblical mystery behind it all – from what just happened in Iran, to what is happening in Israel, to Hamas, the Middle East, and the world, going back to a mystery 2500 years old!
Message 2626 2024-05-24

The Shadow Love
For Mother’s Day 2024 Jonathan shares on the culture’s war against motherhood, and how a mother’s love is one of the closest shadows on earth of God’s love for us.
Message 2625 2024-05-12

Children of the Gods
Jonathan takes the revelation of The Return of the gods and brings it to one of the most important issue of our time – the children. What do the gods have to do with our youth, and what is now happening to them? What lies behind it? And where is all heading?
Message 2624 2024-05-10

The Priest Who Wears the Crown
It’s one of the mysteries of the Hebrew Scriptures, one that seems to contradict everything else, even the law of God, and yet that reveals the Messiah and the Cosmic Secret of God and your salvation.
Message 2623 2024-05-05

The Mufti Mystery
Jonathan exposes the dark and stunning secret behind the anti-Israel, pro-Hamas demonstrations taking place throughout the country, the bankruptcy of Wokeism, the secret behind the movement to destroy Israel that goes back to Al-Banna, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Gaza, and Adolf Hitler!   *(Note: The DVD has many Images)
Message 2622 2024-05-03

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Messages 41 to 60 of 2626