Grow in God
Jonathan Cahn is known for opening the deep biblical mysteries and prophetic revelations of God. On this page you'll find a comprehensive list containing most of Jonathan Cahn's messages and teachings from the mysteries of God, prophetic and end-time teachings, exposition of biblical verses, texts, and books, living victoriously in God, apologetics, current issues and events, and a wide variety of subjects. New messages are added almost every week as they become available. Search by message title, subject, etc. Members of Hope of the World receive special messages every month.
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Messages 441 to 460 of 2587
Seraphim and Serpents
What is the connection between the seraphim and the serpents How do you overcome the most dangerous weapon of the enemy?
Message 2195 2018-06-01

How to Hear God II
How can you hear the voice of God? What is God’s will for your life? How can you discover it? Learn the pitfalls to avoid, the keys of hearing God’s voice, and secrets of discovering His will for your life. Part II.
Message 2194 2018-05-27

Living Inside the Biblical Realm
What would it be like to live in the days of the Bible? What would it be like to be one of the people in the Bible? What if you enter the days of the Bible and become that person?
Message 2193 2018-05-25

Preparing for the Guest
What is the true Spirit-filled life? What are the keys God gives and you need to know to receive and live in the fullness of the Spirit and all God has for you? (And the mystery of the Two Pentecosts).
Message 2192 2018-05-20

The Powers of the Ruach
When we think of the outpouring of the Spirit and the anointing of God’s people, we think of Pentecost in the Book of Acts. But long before that, the Spirit was poured on God’s people from the wilderness of Sinai to the visions of Ezekiel, discover from the keys of walking in God’s power from the fascinating lesser known outpourings
Message 2191 2018-05-18

One of the most crucial, powerful, and vital words given by God in the Hebrew Scriptures, that most believers have no idea of. What this ancient Hebrew word reveals about the love of God for you that can change your life.
Message 2190 2018-05-13

The Seventy Sevens
"One of the most fascinating, powerful, majestic, and amazing prophecies of the Messiah – Jonathan opens up the mysterious Seventy Sevens of Daniel, the exact mathematical countdown to the coming of Messiah and some surprising revelations hidden in the original language. "
Message 2189 2018-05-11

Word from Israel PART II: Up To Jerusalem & The Eastern Gate
Jonathan takes you to the conclusion of the journey, up to Jerusalem, to the Temple Mount and what happened on that mount, the Pools of Bethesda, an amazing event at Bethlehem with shepherds at night, the Mt of Olives, the City of David, the Western Wall, the Temple Steps, the Garden of Gethsemane at night, the House of Caiaphas, the Garden Tomb, and more, with a special message on the Eastern Gate and God’s will for your life.
Message 2188 2018-05-06

Word from Israel PART I: The Miracle Land & The Secret of Masada
Jonathan takes you along on the 2018 Pilgrimage to Israel from Caesarea to Mt. Carmel to Armageddon, to Nazareth, to Cana, to the Sea of Galilee, to Capernaum, to Chorazim, to the Jordan River, the Spring of Gideon, the Valley of Jezreel, the Wilderness, and then a special message on the amazing secret hidden in the sands of Masada
Message 2187 2018-05-04

The State of Weightlessness
It is something that only a few astronauts have ever experienced -and yet you are to experience this same state in the spiritual realm. How to do that and how it will affect your life.
Message 2186 2018-04-13

How to Hear God
How can you hear the voice of God? What is God’s will for your life? How can you discover it? Learn the pitfalls to avoid, the keys of hearing God’s voice, and secrets of discovering His will for your life.
Message 2185 2018-04-08

The Cosmic Sham
There exists a cosmic hoax. And in one way or another you’re dealing with it every day of your life. The keys of recognizing it, dealing with it, and overcoming it.
Message 2184 2018-04-06

The Man Whose Name is Genesis
A powerful, cosmic and colossal revelation and message. The secret hidden in the first Hebrew words of the Bible, in the first Greek words of the New Testament, in the mystical day called Yom Raysheet, the man called Genesis, the death of the beginning, the erasing of the past, and the true power to walk and live in the newness of life
Message 2183 2018-04-01

The mystery behind the death of Messiah, the going down of the Light of the World, the cosmic sunset, the power to end all yesterdays, to put away all that is old, and completely leave the past, to rise in the new day
Message 2182 2018-03-30

Son of the Clouds
Messiah was prophesied to come on a donkey, but also on the clouds – The rabbis couldn’t put it together – The amazing revelations hidden within the mystery, Messiah Son of Joseph, Messiah Son of David, the End-Times, the Last Days, the controversy of Jerusalem, and much more! (A powerful message for believers and unbelievers - given on Palm Sunday)
Message 2181 2018-03-25

Passover 2018 – with Special Message 'The Celebration of Remembrance'
Experience the Passover Seder Last Supper Celebration recorded live at the Jerusalem Center as Jonathan takes you through the mysteries of the Passover Seder and shares a special message: The Celebration of Remembrance
Message 2180 2018-03-23

They meant well, but they ended up being the most dysfunctional prayer group in world history. And what they learned has everything to do with your life.
Message 2179 2018-03-18

What happens when the Most High comes down? The amazing cosmic stumbling block that can change your life.
Message 2178 2018-03-16

What is the mission of your life? Are you on it? Or not yet? What Scriptures reveal it? And how do you get going on the mission?
Message 2177 2018-03-11

A joyful life is not something to be left to chance. There’s a way you can guarantee. Learn the secrets hidden in the original Hebrew of the Bible.
Message 2176 2018-03-09

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Messages 441 to 460 of 2587