Grow in God
Jonathan Cahn is known for opening the deep biblical mysteries and prophetic revelations of God. On this page you'll find a comprehensive list containing most of Jonathan Cahn's messages and teachings from the mysteries of God, prophetic and end-time teachings, exposition of biblical verses, texts, and books, living victoriously in God, apologetics, current issues and events, and a wide variety of subjects. New messages are added almost every week as they become available. Search by message title, subject, etc. Members of Hope of the World receive special messages every month.
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Messages 161 to 180 of 2587
The Afghan Harbinger
The Harbingers, the prophetic warnings of judgement have not stopped manifesting. The revelation of one of the most recent harbingers that manifested before our eyes.
Message 2479 2022-05-27

On the 74th Anniversary of Israel's Resurrection, Jonathan shares the amazing mystery that ordained the exact year and the exact day it would take place.
Message 2478 2022-05-15

The Night After The Harbingers of Things to Come
On the night after the premiere of the movie:  The Harbingers of Things to Come, Jonathan shares as the Lord leads – Including the story behind the story of the Movie, and the continuing harbingers after the movie.
Message 2477 2022-05-13

The Day Messiah Went Missing
One of the most surprising accounts of the Bible - The day Joseph and Mary lost the King of Kings.  On Mother's Day, Jonathan shares a message that applies to every believer - How even those who love God can lose His presence - and how to get it back!
Message 2476 2022-05-08

God is Truth. Messiah said He was the Truth. What is the link between the cosmic nature of God and a part of your nature, personality, and character?
Message 2475 2022-05-06

The River of the House
After praying for a special word for the hour, Jonathan shares of the vision of Ezekiel and the waters that flowed from the Temple of God – and then applies is to the body of Messiah, to Beth Israel, and to each of our lives – a word to prepare, to open, and be ready for the new thing God wants to do
Message 2474 2022-05-01

The Power of Desatanization
From the original Hebrew a revelation of how to overcome the enemy’s work in your life and your world in a way you may have never expected.
Message 2473 2022-04-29

The Unstoppable Power
The resurrection is never supposed to stay in the tomb or in a holiday. It has to come into our lives. From the ancient mystery of the First Fruit and the Omers, Jonathan opens the true power of the resurrection and how to revolutionize your life!
Message 2472 2022-04-24

The Supernatural Doorway
Jonathan takes you through the Passover Seder and the Last Supper opening up the meaning of all the Passover elements, and shares a special message within it - the Supernatural Doorway
Message 2471 2022-04-22

The City Of the Tomb
The amazingly powerful fact and truth of your salvation hidden in the city of God – Jerusalem!  A powerful message about the rock solid evidence behind the Word of God, the love of God, your calling, and your redemption – Jonathan shares on Resurrection Sunday.
Message 2470 2022-04-17

Messiah's Erev
A deep and beautiful mystery behind Messiah’s death, the sunset, the evening, the Sabbath, the turning of the earth, the ending of the past, the old life, and the opening up of all things new – Jonathan shares this profound mystery on the night of Good Friday and Passover
Message 2469 2022-04-15

The Zechariah 9 Factor
What happened on Palm Sunday is unique in that the disciples had a part in fulfilling ancient Biblical prophecy.  Can you do the same?  Discover the keys!
Message 2468 2022-04-10

We all deal with fear. But God empowers us to overcome it. How to overcome fear, anxiety, worry, and trepidation - and become Intrepid.
Message 2467 2022-04-03

The Most Overlooked Day & Power
One of the most important days God ever gave Israel - a holy day - and yet virtually everyone misses it. And yet it holds the key to the most unused power. Discover what it is.
Message 2466 2022-04-01

The Cloak!
The cloak of the prophet, the cloak of Elijah, the cloak of Messiah, and what it has to do with your life and future.
Message 2465 2022-03-20

The Law of the Carrot!
There is a principle that guides much of human action, even yours. But if you can channel it for the Lord, it can revolutionize your life.
Message 2464 2022-03-18

The Devils's Gallows
Through an amazing revelation in Purim, discover the strategies of the enemy in your life and how to overcome every one of them.
Message 2463 2022-03-13

The Praises of Haman
The one who gave the Jewish people the Holiday of Purim was Haman. Learn how God will turn every Haman in your life around to give you joy and blessings you never would have had without them.
Message 2462 2022-03-11

The Man in the Garden
One of the beautiful mysteries of God begins in the Garden and reappears in Messiah and in your salvation. It even explains reality!
Message 2461 2022-03-06

The Knife's Edge
The great heroes of the Bible shared a secret and a practice that enabled them to do what they could never have done without it. Learn the secret.
Message 2460 2022-03-04

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Messages 161 to 180 of 2587