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Today's Sapphire

To Deal With Giants

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Moses didn't sit complaining about Pharaoh. He led his people out of Egypt. David didn't sit with his brothers complaining about the Philistines and the state of Israel. He fought Goliath and reigned as king. The apostles didn't spend time dwelling on persecution, the Sanhedrin or how bad the Romans were. They served the Lord and spread the Word. Some believers have a defeated attitude; a persecution complex, a paranoid attitude, a defensive attitude, overly conscious of and dwelling on evil. We're to be aware of evil; the world, temptations and dangers. But we're not to be focused on it; dwelling on it, getting an attitude of defensiveness. God didn't call us for such a time as this to be defensive. Be on the offense; moving forward. You're not a victim of the earth; you're the salt of the earth. You're the light of the world, not defeated by darkness. Stop complaining and start doing something. Get out your slingshot and run to that giant! Take that problem and the world head on, because God called you to not be overcome, but to overcome evil and the world with good.

From Message #570 - They're All Against Me

Today's Mission

Stop being overcome or defined by your problems, your giant - and overcome your giant with God's power - the evil with good.

Scripture: John 16:33
