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Today's Sapphire

The New In New Years

Thursday, December 28, 2017

We come to the beginning of a new year, but what is New Years? The date of January 1 is an arbitrary one. So what makes it new? Nothing really. The only thing that makes New Year's new, or for that matter any month, week, or day new, is the power of God. For God is the one who, in Revelation says, "I am making all things new". Only God has the power of new beginnings. It's not the morning that makes things new, but His mercies which are new every morning. Do you want this to be a truly new year? Then don't expect it to be new simply because it's called a new year. It won't be new on its own. If you want it to be a new year, resolve to walk in the power of the Lord's newness. For those who are led by His Spirit are given the power to walk in the newness of life. Commit yourself to walk in His Spirit, in the power of His newness, and you will have a truly new year, and a year of newness.

From Message #1079 - The Secret of New Beginnings

Today's Mission

Today, commit yourself to walking in His Spirit of newness.
