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Today's Sapphire

The Abundance of Ministry

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I've often run into people who are waiting for their ministry. If only those in charge would see their gifts in the Lord and recognize their calling. If only... Messiah said the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. There's no worldwide dearth of opportunity to serve the Lord; the harvest is plentiful. There's more than enough ministry to go around. There's no shortage of opportunities to serve and fulfill His calling in your life. It's the laborers who are refusing to serve. The harvest is all around you. All around you are people who need ministering, love, encouragement, help, support, the Word, the Gospel, and the presence of Messiah. You don't need somebody to give you a pulpit, a title, or a certificate. Look around and you'll see the harvest of which Messiah spoke. Look around and see your family, your town, your job, your congregation, your country, your world, your life. Find the need. Because there's no shortage of needs. In serving the need around you, you'll begin to fulfill the calling on your life. And you'll find that the harvest is definitely plentiful.

From Message #700 - Seasons of the Harvest

Today's Mission

Today, find the need around you and fulfill His calling in your life.

Scripture: Galatians 6:2
