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Today's Sapphire

The Genesis Of Love

Thursday, July 19, 2018

The word ahavah is Hebrew for love. In Genesis 22:2 God says to Abraham, "Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering..." It's the first appearance of the word 'love,' or 'ahavah' in Scripture. And this first appearance is speaking of the love of a father for his son. The Bible is about the love of the Father, for His Son. This is the first love of the universe. This is the love that makes all other loves possible. It's a sacrificial love. It's not a love that demands, needs, requires, or loves only to get back. It's an offering. It is to give without seeking anything back. So, too, love with the same love in your life; the love that asks for nothing in return, expects nothing, lets go, and sacrifices everything. Bless somebody today with total sacrificial giving, and selfless love. For this is the first love. This is Ahavah. This is Calvary. This is Messiah. This is our salvation, and this is our faith.

From Message #134 - Love Notes

Today's Mission

Today, seek to live a day of sacrificial love; loving, and blessing others while expecting nothing in return.
