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Friday, November 29, 2024
Yochanan the Immerser or John the Baptist was in a sense the last of the Old Testament prophets. He was also a priest, a Nazarite, and Messiah called him the greatest of those born of women. Yet he said "I immerse you with water for repentance, but He who comes after me is above me. I am not worthy to untie His sandals." Everything he was, all he did, said, and stood for - all of it had only one purpose - to lead to Messiah. That's why he was the greatest of all. His life, more than any other, led directly to Messiah's redemption. If you want to live a great life, then make Messiah the object and purpose of all you do. Make Him the goal, aim, and reason. Whatever you do, do it for Him and to His glory. Whatever thing you endeavor to do, or spend time and energy pursuing, if it doesn't lead to Messiah, put it away. Make your life 100% leading directly to Messiah- your words, actions, gifts, endeavors, and your heart. Then the life you lead will lead to greatness.
From Message #224 - Yochanan The Immerser
Today, make it your aim that everything you say and do is aimed at and leads to Messiah.
Scripture: Acts 11:23