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Today's Sapphire


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

There is an illusion that believers in America are in danger of believing.
The stakes in the last presidential election were colossal. Hanging in the balance was the future of the Supreme Court, the future of religious freedom, the advancement of America's fall from God, the championing of anti-biblical agendas with regard to life, marriage, and gender, even the issue of believers being forced to pay for the killing of unborn children.
All the major polls forecast a decisive victory for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats and a decisive defeat for Donald Trump and the Republicans. And then came the greatest political upset in American presidential history. Donald Trump won! Across the land, evangelical believers breathed a collective sigh of relief. There had been a reprieve.
It was in January 2017 that the magnitude of the biblical blueprint revealed in The Paradigm first came to me. In the latter part of that blueprint comes the rise of the warrior-king Jehu. Jehu was a paradox. A man whose ways seemed anything but godly, and yet, who was used despite his ways for the outworking of God's will. His reign represented a reprieve, a respite, a window of time the nation was given to turn back to God. So it is with America and the age of Donald Trump. The issue in the ancient paradigm wasn't Jehu and the issue now isn't Donald Trump. The issue is that we are witnessing a temporary reprieve. The agenda that threatened to restrict religious freedom, advance abortion, and champion an anti-biblical morality was defeated.
But herein lies the danger - We have seen a political revolution, but not yet a cultural revolution, not yet a moral revolution, and most importantly, not yet a spiritual revolution. In these most important spheres, America has not reversed course - nor has its slide come to a halt. Just how much that is so is evidenced by the most intense fury, hatred, and war against a sitting president in living memory, if not ever. America's moral and spiritual slide from God has not stopped. The statistics revealing where the youngest generation stands continues to be most alarming and forecasting an even more unchristian or anti-Christian national future. The movement to ban any trace of God from public culture, as in Bible studies, the site of crosses, the mention of God, has likewise not stopped. The indoctrination of American youth into what is, in effect, an anti-Christian worldview continues unabated. And judicial judgments punishing believers for following the Word of God continue to pour forth.
In short, we are in a dangerous period. It is a window, a temporary window given for the nation to turn back to God and for God's people to pray for, work for, and live for revival. Without revival, the window will end, and America will continue in its apostasy with even greater speed. Now is the time we must take most seriously the Word of God that says: "If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land." There are two key words or phrases here. The first is "My people." And the second is "If."
Let us not grow complacent but stand vigilant, in prayer, in zeal, in the spreading of the Gospel, in repentance, and revival. Make that your goal this month. And may God greatly bless you as you do!
Your brother and co-laborer
in His love and service,


See Message: Josiah’s Window
