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Today's Sapphire

Lot’s Ungodly Lot

Friday, August 24, 2018

Abraham's nephew Lot chose to live in Sodom. When two angels visited him, the people of Sodom were so perverse that they followed them to Lot's house to molest them. Lot reproved them, "Don't act wickedly." Lot was a righteous man making a bold and holy statement. But then he goes on to say, 'Listen, I have two daughters. I'll bring them out to you. You can do whatever you like with them.' ...not exactly the hallmark of righteous living. So what went wrong? Abraham also lived among pagans, but he never settled down with them. He stayed in a tent and journeyed in the presence of God. But Lot settled down in Sodom and gradually grew comfortable there, even calling the Sodomites 'my brothers.' He probably never realized it, but it weakened, compromised, and corrupted him. Maybe you've let yourself grow comfortable with what you know is wrong. Don't be corrupted like Lot. Turn away from Sodom and put away all its unclean ways. Dwell instead in the tents of Abraham and the Lord will bless you with an everlasting inheritance in the Promised Land.

From Message #668 - The Tents of Abraham

Today's Mission

Today, turn away from any unclean thing that might corrupt your life. Separate from any ungodly and worldly thing â€" Live as a child of Abraham.

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6:7
