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Today's Sapphire

Moving On With Messiah

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

In Luke 4, Messiah is ministering in Galilee, and the multitudes want Him to stay there teaching and healing. But he says, "I must preach the Kingdom of God to other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose." Messiah is saying in effect 'I have to move on.' So if Messiah says, "I have to move on," then what must you say? One of the greatest ways to grow dead in your walk is to simply stay where you are; stop journeying, stop stepping out in faith, stop moving ahead. Messiah's always moving on, and if you're His follower, so must you. Have you been stuck in the same rut; dwelling in the past, stuck in anger, pondering what you once had in your life but lost? The Lord's not staying in it, and neither should you. Move on with your life. Step out in faith. If you want the continuing presence and joy of the Lord in your life, then you have to move on with the Lord. For moving on is the only way to go when you're going with the moving on Lord.

From Message #684 - The Other Cities

Today's Mission

Today, seek the Lord on where you need to move forward and then move on with Him.

Scripture: Luke 4
Hebrews 6:1
