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Friday, January 17, 2025
Often in communist countries when men were put in prison for their faith, agents from the state would harass the prisoners' wife, threatening her, pressuring her to divorce him. Sabina Wurmbrand was one of those women. She responded to the threats by saying, "I didn't marry Richard only for the happy times. We were united forever in the Lord. Whatever may come, I will not divorce him." We live in a society where people leave each other, not with threats of hardship or prison, but because they don't feel 'in love' anymore, or they think they love somebody else. That is not love. That is a sin against love. Remember God is faithful to you even when you don't deserve it. True love is precious. True faithfulness has a price, but it's more than worth it. When you call yourself by His name, then you be faithful too, in sickness or in health, in good times and bad, when it's easy, or when it costs you everything. When you don't feel love for that person anymore, love them anyway. Because that is the way God loves you.
From Message #970 - The Way of the Great
Today, even if you don't feel like it, faithfully love those whom God has put in your life.
Scripture: I John 4:18