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Today's Sapphire

The Presence and The Asher

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

"Blessed is the man you choose and bring near to dwell in your courts," Psalm 65:4. In Hebrew, the word "blessed" is really the word "asher." "Asher" doesn't just mean "blessed." It means "happy" or "joyful." The Bible is telling you how to be joyful. What's the secret? Those who are "asher," "happy" or "joyful" dwell in the courts of God, in His presence. You see, happiness and contentment do not come from material things. You can have all in the world and still be empty and miserable. But, you can't dwell in the presence of God and be empty or miserable... for the presence of God fills all things. Moses dwelt in God's presence and came down the mountain glowing... so much he had to cover his face. If you want to glow.. you need to be in His presence. The more you spend in God's presence, the greater the glow. Spend more time with God, in His presence. And your life will be filled with fullness. For "Blessed," "Asher," "Happy," and Joyful is the man chosen and brought near to dwell in the courts of God.'

From Message #838 - The Hebrew Blesseds

Today's Mission

Make it your aim today to be filled up with the presence of God - glowing, happy and joyful.

Scripture: Psalm 84:1-4 | Psalm 65:4
