Grow in God
Jonathan Cahn is known for opening the deep biblical mysteries and prophetic revelations of God. On this page you'll find a comprehensive list containing most of Jonathan Cahn's messages and teachings from the mysteries of God, prophetic and end-time teachings, exposition of biblical verses, texts, and books, living victoriously in God, apologetics, current issues and events, and a wide variety of subjects. New messages are added almost every week as they become available. Search by message title, subject, etc. Members of Hope of the World receive special messages every month.
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Messages 181 to 200 of 2587
The Investiture!
Every believer is called to be a priest. Discover the keys of the priesthood and the investiture that shows you how to fulfill your calling.
Message 2459 2022-02-27

The One Who is More Than One
It's one of the most unfathomable, paradoxical, and mind blowing of mysteries. It's been used by cultists and has baffled believers for ages. Discover the answers!
Message 2458 2022-02-25

From the love song of the Bible - the Song of Solomon -the Beloved and the Lover. One of the most powerful words and one of the most powerful truths about God and you.
Message 2457 2022-02-13

The Zero Point!
A Secret that plays a part in the lives and stories of the great heroes of the Bible - and a key that can change your life for greatness.
Message 2456 2022-02-11

The Heteros Basileus
From the Book of Acts, an amazing phrase coined by a pagan and yet has everything to do with your walk - and even the cultures and times in which you live.
Message 2455 2022-01-30

A Case of Possession
A most explosive message and what it reveals about what is taking place now right before our eyes - affecting all of us - and a most explosive application.
Message 2454 2022-01-23

The Miknais!
The most overlooked of the priestly garments and what it reveals about your walk, your calling, your ministry, and your life.
Message 2453 2022-01-21

Word for the Year II
What will the year ahead bring? What do we know and do to prevail and prosper in the days ahead? The conclusion of the Word for the Year (because there was more for this year than ever!).
Message 2452 2022-01-14

Word for the Year
Jonathan delivers The Word for the Year - a Word and Words sought for, and received specifically for the coming year 2022.
Message 2451 2022-01-09

The First Day of Greatness
We all want growth and victory, change and breakthrough in our lives with God. But how?  Does the Bible actually give the secrets of attaining newness, new beginnings?  It does.  Jonathan opens up the Biblical Secrets and keys to beginning new courses, a changed life in victory.
Message 2450 2022-01-02

The 2021 Timelapse
Absolutely the best way to enter the new year for a victorious 2022 ! In the presence of the Lord, His Spirit, and His people! A night of joy! Music! Fun! Entertainment! The Show! Food! Fellowship! Games! Worship! Special presentations! A Worship service! The Word! The Presence of God! Prayer! Celebration and Blessings!
Message 2449 2021-12-31

The Mattan - El
From the prophecy of Messiah’s birth in Isaiah to what has become of the celebration surrounding it and the secret linking it all that can truly change your life.
Message 2448 2021-12-26

The Candlelight Celebration Of Messiah's Birth
Don't miss this most special time on Christmas Eve in worship and candlelight and a special word from Jonathan. Invite out family and friends! Celebrate Messiah's birth in the original Biblical flavor, and sing your favorite Christmas carols by candlelight!
Message 2447 2021-12-24

The Miracle After the Miracle
God is the God of miracles. But miracles in the world tend to fade away. How do you keep them? How do you live a miraculous life? A powerful message from the day after Messiah's birth.
Message 2446 2021-12-19

The Israel Matrix
A mystery from ancient times that lies behind every believer in Messiah, the Church, Israel, Jerusalem, the end times, and who you really are in the kingdom of God!
Message 2445 2021-12-17

The God Seekers
We are called not only to receive God and know God, but to seek God. What does it really mean to seek God? What it really means can change your life.
Message 2444 2021-12-12

The Power of Haphak!
Most believers have heard of the powers of the Spirit, but there is one power the Bible reveals that can change everything in your life. And not just your life, but your surroundings - the Power of Haphak! Discover what it is and how to use it.
Message 2443 2021-12-10

An Inside Job - The Conclusion
The second celebration of the Festival of Lights as Messiah celebrated it, including the lighting of the Menorah and the opening of the end-time mysteries contained in Hanukah for the end-time believer for our day. With a different message from Jonathan.
Message 2442 2021-12-05

An Inside Job
Experience the beautiful Festival of Lights as Messiah celebrated it (in John 10), and discover the hidden revelation of the last days that Hanukah holds for the end-time believer. The Menorah will be lit up and the end-time revelation given!
Message 2441 2021-12-03

The Weaver
God has been called the "Master Weaver." What does it mean? What does the Bible say about it? Is God weaving your life together, thread by thread? How so? And what does it reveal about your life itself?
Message 2440 2021-11-28

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Messages 181 to 200 of 2587